Friday 15 February 2013



There are actually waaay too many times in life when i'll just think oh deary me. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!

This usually happens at several possible times. When I'm menstrual, when there's exams coming up and also when i've been on tumblr for a zillion hours and seen too many pictures of perfect girls that I never planned on. 

Loads of things go through my head at times like these but the main things i think are; Why aren't I thin/my hair long/perfect skin/amazing wardrobe? Why aren't I ultra brainy and why are things so hard? Am I even happy at the moment? Do I really like them? ect ect ect blah blah blah.

The problem with these thoughts is the fact it can totally bring you down. They can make you really upset, angry, frustrated, depressed and all those awful feelings you desperately want to avoid! I often cry as I'm an emotional sort of person, but sometimes I get really angry and neglect people I love. 

Basically what I want to say is; It happens to nearly everyone. Your angry and upset is perfectly NORMAL! hurrrrah! Now thats cleared up, here are some ways to deal with that...

  • If your feeling really down about your body and want to make a change the best way to feel better is make a plan. A fitness/eating plan. This way you'll feel like your going to be able to succeed at what you want and you'll be satisfied that you are able to plan it! It really helps me because it makes me feel positive about what I want to do.

  • Feeling down about how smart you are is obviously a hard one because it's not something you can change easily. But one fail in maths for example, might be an amazing pass in English. Please dont just focus on all the things wrong, think positive ! no one sucks at EVERYTHING. So think what your good at and keep your glass half full. If you've got exams on the horizon get a revision timetable made!

  • If your questioning if your happy you really need to assess whats making you unhappy. This could be because its something really serious or just because your hormones are alllllover. If it's something really serious that you need to tell someone about, nows the time to do so. seriously. If it's that your not sure if your happy in your relationship, or something along those lines there are ways to solve it. Try not to talk to whoever it is your speaking to/ in a relationship with and see how you feel. If you feel much happier without them, you probably should consider what to do next..

  • finally, no matter what emotion you feel for whatever reason, you really should just look after yourself, eat something really yum(and healthy if you choose!) and just stay positive because seriously, it won't be this way forever. 


  1. Love this! xx
    Your blog is so pretty

    1. Hey do you mind taking a second to check out my blog please? :)

    2. thankyou Shai! your blog is so cute xxx
